
Nailing down this comics overall story is a tough one, as expressed by Nate, the artist. It is a fun epic fantasy that follows the adventures of a band of misfit warriors. They fight their way through Ginormous creatures, evil demons, and lots of slimy situations. The comic is in its 2nd major story arc with some new characters, and an interesting starter that can take some of our old friends out into Atland with new misadventures!
Overall Impression:

Hands down, this is easily one of my favorite webcomics. At first, it was a little bloodier and off color than I usually go for (It is VERY PG-13), but it endeared itself to me throughout, and I have been reading it since shortly after it got started. One other feature I love about this comic is that you can see the progress of Nate's art style from beginning to now, and it is an interesting evolution. I also laugh because I think Nate has spent some quality time with his Playboy's, because the boobies on ALL the girls are very... Well... they are just VERY! Hit the link and go there now!
Thanks for reading!
Artist: Nate Piekos
Story Type: Episodic Comic Strip
Art Style: Unique Comic Strip/Cell Shaded
Genre: Epic Fantasy/Comedy
Updates: Thursdays