From the Site:

Overall Impression:
This is an off-color comedy strip that involves our long time hero Robin Hood, but is not about him. It is rather the story of a lovable little nobody who falls in love with Maid Marrian, and who fumbles through Sherwood adventures. I will stress that the humor is vulgar at times, but overall just slapstick. One thing I love about this comic is that when I read how it is written, the characters sound like they have that rough, old english accent like in a Robin Hood Movie (or more like Monty Python!). It is not usually full color (which is usually a hang up of mine) but it has the feel of the newspaper funnies I grew up with as a kid (but with a little nudity once in a while).

Thanks for reading!
Artist: Steve LeCouilliard
Story Type: Episodic Comedy
Art Style: Comic Strip
Genre: Historical Comedy/Satire
Updates: Weekly (with few exceptions)